Cross-cutting Workshops at the FEE

Enllaç al díptic dels tallers

Give the best of yourself on your programme and get ready for your professional future. Improve your analytical skills, work presentation, data processing, text editing... Prepare for when you join the job market.

  • Free courses (10 class hours, 15 hours of independent study). Two-hour face-to-face classes for five Fridays, in the morning.
  • Get 1 ECTS credit for each course (valid for up to six elective credits on your degree programme)
  • Limited places. Students on the faculty's degree programmes get priority (GADE, GECO, GAID, GETU and GATU). Register up to one week before the corresponding workshop begins.

Available Courses 2024-25

Round one: first semester

Workshop Schedule Dates
Data analysis with STATA 10 am - 12pm 27/09, 4/10, 11/10, 18/10, 25/10 de 2024
Introduction to Python for economists 12pm - 14pm 27/09, 4/10, 11/10, 18/10, 25/10 de 2024
Critical thinking, applied to the economy and business 10am - 12pm 27/9, 4/10, 11/10, 25/10, 8/11 de 2024

Round two: second semester

Dates: 21/2, 28/2, 7/3, 14/3, 21/3 de 2025

Workshop Schedule
Introduction to R language for statistical computing 12 pm-2 pm
Microsoft Excel, advanced concepts 10 am - 12pm
Submitting and presenting work with multimedia resources 12 pm-2 pm


Regulations for workshops in the Faculty of Economics and Business


Workshop registration: please fill in the form.