Final Degree Project: What is it?


The Final Degree Project is a mandatory subject taken in the last year of the GADE and GECO degree programmes.

It is a year-long subject that counts for 12 ECTS.  This means students need to show that they have spent 300 hours working on it.

The final outcome of the subject is a supervised project that applies and includes the knowledge, skills and approaches acquired throughout the degree programme. In turn, it enables student learning to be assessed in line with what is set out in the curriculum.

Students may only enrol for the Final Degree Project if they are also enrolled for the remaining subject credits required to be awarded the degree in economics or business administration and management. Credit requirements for work placements are not taken into account.

Students shall be awarded a mark by their tutor of up to 8/10. In order to achieve the grade of Excellent or Distinction, projects must be defended before a panel.

Regulations regarding the Final Degree Project and supplementary information can be found below.
