Pathway in English

International Pathway

Would you like to study in English at the UIB?

Thanks to the increasing internationalization of economics and business and the key role played by English in this process, the Faculty of Economics & Business at the UIB is firmly committed to enhancing the international aspects of its courses and thus offers students the PATHWAY IN ENGLISH as part of the degree programmes in economics and in business administration. The PATHWAY IN ENGLISH will help students improve their language skills and put them to use in their respective fields of study. In turn, taking the PATHWAY IN ENGLISH will add a more international perspective to students' education and will help graduates find employment both in the Balearic Islands and internationally.

Features of the Pathway

The pathway offers students in the faculty the chance to study a wide number of subjects in the syllabus in English, as well as to spend some time at a foreign university where they can study in English, too.

Students will be awarded the Pathway in English certificate if they take at least 100 ECTS of the degree in English, and:

  • Take a minimum of 60 ECTS in the first three years (including core training and compulsory subjects),
  • Complete a term abroad at a foreign university, studying in English for at least one semester, and
  • Write and defend the degree thesis in English.

The subject 'Business English' will be accredited to those students who take the Pathway in English.

The European Diploma Supplement will state the number of credits, subjects, stays, etc. taken in English, even for those students who fail to meet the criteria necessary to be awarded the Pathway in English certificate.

How to apply 

From the course 2019/2020 no special requirements are necessary to enrol in the Pathway in English. You should only need to be enrolled in the English groups (50, 60, 70, and others in the case of GADE) and (20, 30, 40 and others in the case of GECO)

IMPORTANT: The capacity of the groups is limited.

Subjects currently taught in English

Studying a course in English means that all teaching activities related to the course are in English:

Lessons will be in English, including student-teacher interactions, exercises, tests, papers, and classroom presentations.

Materials will be given primarily in English: PowerPoint slides, articles, extracts, textbooks, audiovisual material. Material may be provided in Catalan / Spanish depending on the context, and if there are no available translations (newspaper articles in Spanish / Catalan, technical documents, etc.).

To see the subjects in English visit the links below and go to "Subjects in English"

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