Academic calendar
Timetables and Exams
Projects related to Teaching Quality Innovation and Improvement (PID)
- PID181903: Avoiding Academic Plagiarism: Training Sessions and Content Web (main researcher: Alfredo Martín Oliver)
- PID181912: Teaching Innovation on the Degree in Tourism. Introduction to ICT for Teaching Tourism Business Management (sixth edition) (main researcher: Carlos Mulet Forteza)
- PID181921: Effective Evaluation of Online Learning Platforms through the Use of Biosensors (main researcher: Francisco Rejón Guardia)
- PID181927: Enjoying Learning Economics (main researcher: Javier Capó Parrilla)
- PID181945: Team Microprojects: Applying Industrial Economics Theory to a Market (main researcher: María Sard Bauzá)
- PID181951: Evaluation, Personality and Non-cognitive Skills: Evidence through Moodle Evaluations (main researcher: Pau Balart Castro)
Computer and Projector Equipment in Lecture Rooms
1. Desktop Computer
- To access the lecturer’s computer in AB and SB classrooms, you must first be authorised to do so; then, simply use your UIBdigital username and password.
- All FEE professors, lecturers and associate lecturers are authorised. If you are an FEE lecturer and have trouble accessing the computer, please contact the student assistant technician (ACT, by its Catalan initials) so that s/he may verify your credentials.
- All lecturers from other departments who take part in teaching the GADE and GECO undergraduate degree programmes (mathematics, law) are also authorised. If you are a GADE or GECO lecturer and have trouble accessing the computer, contact the ACT so that s/he may verify your credentials.
- New lecturers in the FEE or the aforementioned departments are automatically authorised when the academic year begins.
- All other teaching staff may access to the computer if they expressly request it from the ACT, indicating their course, subject and classroom. Please remember that you may also use a laptop to work with the projector. However, in this instance network access will depend on the UIB Wi-Fi signal.
- Open Office and Microsoft Office.
- The most common browsers: Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.
- Don’t forget to log out when the class is over. How do you log out? In the lower left-hand corner, click on the 'Windows' start menu, then click on the username and select 'Tanca sessió' or 'Log out'.
- If yours is the last class in the room that day, shut down the computer. How do you shut down the computer? In the lower left-hand corner, click on the 'Windows' start menu, then click on the 'Apagar' or 'Shut down' symbol and select 'Apagar' or 'Shut down'.
- Once you are logged in to the computer, you can browse the internet, download the documents needed to teach your class or use a USB flash drive. Whatever the case, once the computer is switched off, all information that was saved on the computer will be deleted. This includes web history and files that have been saved to or left on the desktop. Everything will be erased.
2. Projector Screens
Only use the markers provided at the Administrative Services offices in the M. G. de Jovellanos building for writing (Cati Pujol).
The rooms are equipped with special erasers for use with these screens. Regular chalkboard erasers will not work.
In order to move the screen, always push it from one side, never from bottom to top. Help the screen along; don’t force it.
3. Projectors
- The projector uses a remote control that is available at the porters’ lodge. The image to the right shows the main functions on the remote. Do not try to use the projector without the remote control.
- 'Source search': the projector should automatically recognise the source (PC, laptop, etc.) for projection. If not, press this button until the right source is found.
- 'LAN': to wirelessly connect a device: iPad or iPhone.
- 'Aspect': to change the aspect ratio (16:9, standard, zoom, etc.)
- 'A/V Mute': turns off the projection, i.e. it does not display what is being shown on the source input screen.
- 'Source search': the projector should automatically recognise the source (PC, laptop, etc.) for projection. If not, press this button until the right source is found.
- When the class finishes, switch off the projector.
- The remote control must be returned to the porters’ lodge after class.
Projecting with a Laptop
- You can connect to the projector to a laptop computer and the connection box located on the lecturer’s desk.
- Connection types:
- VGA (video): available on most laptops. This kind of cable is available in classrooms and is already hooked up to the connection box.
- HDMI (audio & video): available only on newer laptops. HDMI offers higher image quality and the possibility of playing sound. This kind of cable is available at the porters’ lodge and it should be returned after class.
Projecting with Other Mobile Devices
If you have an iPad or an iPhone, you can also project images, presentations (without animation) and other documents via the projector. The following document contains instructions on how to do this. For more information, please contact the ACT.
4. Sound System
- Audio is available from the desktop computer via the PA system (it must be plugged in - see photo) or the projector.
- If using VGA with a lapto p, you will need an audio cable to connect the laptop to the connection box. Audio cables are available at the porters’ lodge.
Student Assistant Technician (ACT)
The FEE provides all lecturers who teach in lecture rooms AB01-27 and SB03-06 in the G. M. de Jovellanos building with a student assistant technician (ACT), whose main duties include:
- Maintaining computer equipment in lecture rooms.
- Providing technical support and advice to lecturers.
- Installing software on PCs in the lecture rooms.
ACTs may be contacted as follows:
- Internal tel.: 6 80 49
- Outside tel.: 628 72 48 21
- e-mail (actfee@uib.es)
- Office: DB204
ACT working hours:
- Monday: 10:30am-2:30pm
- Tuesday: 10:30am - 2:30pm
- Wednesday: 1:30 pm - 5:30pm
- Thursday: 10:30am - 2:30pm
- Friday: 10:30am - 2:30pm [telecommuting]
In addition to our ACT, the vice-rector's office has computer interns to also help computer and teaching classrooms (contact information here. At Jovellanos will be located in the AIJO-06 computer room (block A of the building), and its hours will be from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.