Professionals in the Classroom


Welcome to the Professionals in the Classroom project website.

This site contains important information about the project, as well as instructions on how to take part, whether you are a professional or a lecturer, by simply filling in the form below.

The Project

The Professionals in the Classroom project was set up by members of the Faculty of Economics and Business to bring students into closer contact with the professional world through talks given by professionals.

It coordinates lecturers and professionals who are interested in organising a presentation on professional practice for students during class time.

The main aim is to increase student motivation for courses. The project also aims to:

  • Enable students to see closer ties between what they are learning and professional practice
  • Offer advice on possible career pathways for economists
  • Introduce renowned economists, entrepreneurs and businesses or organisations from the Balearic Islands and the rest of Spain
  • Strengthen collaboration between businesses and the university.

Professional Participation

If you are a professional and agree to take part in the project:

You will be added to our database of professionals.

Depending on your availability, we will contact you from time to time to take part in sessions on a subject or plenary sessions.

The students who best match your interests, preferences and professional profile will be selected.

At least one lecturer from the Faculty of Economics and Business will commit to organising and coordinating your visit, and attending your presentation to help make connecting with students easier.

You can register for the project by filling in the registration form for professionals below.

Lecturer Participation

If you are a lecturer and would like to take part in the project:

You will open up a class session to a professional to give a presentation to your students on his/her professional experience.

We will select the professional that best fits your subject and group from the participants listed in our database of professionals.

We will help to coordinate the professional's participation in your session.

You undertake to attend the presentation the professional gives to your group.

You may register for the project by filling in the registration form for lecturers below.

Mutual Benefits

For professionals

  • Discovering and exchanging concerns and perspectives with future professionals
  • Providing greater visibility to your company
  • The chance to talent spot
  • Promoting the creation/strengthening of links with the university.

For the academic community

  • Discovering and exchanging experiences with professionals about their work and duties
  • Providing professional advice to students
  • Promoting UIB courses
  • Promoting the creation/strengthening of links with business.
